Kompania Piwowarska

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Alkohol. Tylko dla pełnoletnich
    Passion Fruit and Peach – the hottest couple of the season. New variant in the Redd’s family of flavoured beers Passion Fruit and Peach – the hottest couple of the season. New variant in the Redd’s family of flavoured beers

    Passion Fruit and Peach – the hottest couple of the season. New variant in the Redd’s family of flavoured beers

    New year, new Redd’s! Traditionally, even before the start of the beer season, Kompania Piwowarska presents a novelty in its flavoured beer offer. The Redd’s family is joined by another exotic variant – Passion Fruit and Peach, which not only tastes great, but also looks amazing in an elegant glass.

    Passion fruit and peach have a chance to become the hottest couple of the upcoming beer season. In the new Redd’s variant, the gentle and aromatic sweetness of peach is boosted by the refreshing, almost vibrating acidity of passion fruit. It is yet another flavoured beer in the Redd’s family – after Mango and Lemon as well as Papaya and Lime – looking for inspiration in remote countries. 

    We continue to move towards more refreshing and exotic flavours, therefore in the new Redd’s variant, we once again choose tropical fruit says Ewelina Zacharczuk, Redd’s Brand Manager at Kompania Piwowarska. – Peach is a well-known fruity classic, while passion fruit is a more recent delicious discovery and a true explosion of freshness. We hope that our novelty will win the hearts of flavoured beer lovers, because its potential to refresh is simply unrivalled. 

    Redd’s Passion Fruit and Peach will appear on store shelves at the end of February. Just as the remaining variants, it will be sold in non-returnable 400 ml bottles and 500 ml cans. KP’s family of flavoured beers will encompass five variants – besides the latest one, it already includes Papaya and Lime, Mango and Lemon, Apple and Lemon Grass, and Cranberry. Thanks to its mouth-watering colour and delicate saturation, the new Redd’s looks amazing in a dedicated elegant glass.

    Chillness and sophistication, lightness and freshness, excellent taste and attractive way of serving – thanks to these qualities, Redd’s Passion Fruit and Peach can create a fantastic atmosphere during every, even unformal meeting – emphasizes Ewelina Zacharczuk.

    The new flavoured beer variant will receive marketing support in the form of non-standard POS materials in the retail and On Trade channels as well as communication in social media.

    Published: 22.02.2021

    Would you like to contact our Press Office?

    Jakub Mazur
    Head of External Relations

    t. +48 601 599 345
    e. biuro.prasowe@asahibeer.pl

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