Kompania Piwowarska

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Alkohol. Tylko dla pełnoletnich
    Historie z pianką

    Foamy Stories

    About Polish hops with traditions

    Hops are the soul of beer, and most of our beers have a Polish soul.

    Read more

    Would you like to contact our Press Office?

    Borys Gryniewicz
    Communications Manager

    e. biuro.prasowe@asahibeer.pl

    If you want to file a complaint or provide your opinion on our beers, use the contact details available in the ‘contact us’ tab.

    Would you like to contact our Press Office?

    Borys Gryniewicz
    Communications Manager

    e. biuro.prasowe@asahibeer.pl

    If you want to file a complaint or provide your opinion on our beers, use the contact details available in the ‘contact us’ tab.


    Our beers


    Policies and codes

    Sustainability Report