Kompania Piwowarska

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    Lechends follow the winds of change! Lech is brewed with the use of wind energy Lechends follow the winds of change! Lech is brewed with the use of wind energy

    Lechends follow the winds of change! Lech is brewed with the use of wind energy

    People use wind for different purposes: to sail, to fly and, as it turns out, to brew beer. What is the connection between wind and Lech, and why are there windmills on the brand’s new can?

    Lech is one of the very first beer brands in Poland to use wind energy for production. The cooperation of Kompania Piwowarska and RWE, a German energy manufacturer, was launched in 2009, providing Kompania Piwowarska with the possibility of purchasing the same amount of wind energy as needed for annual production of the Lech beer. Therefore, the brand becomes green not only due to the colour of its bottles.

    As indicated by the research commissioned by Kompania Piwowarska, as many as 85% of Poles consider environmental pollution a serious problem, and the society’s ecological awareness rapidly increases, especially among people between 25 and 34 years of age, i.e. Lech’s consumer age group. Some of them think that ecology is the responsibility of not only the government, but also the producers. Using renewable energy sources is a big step taken by Kompania Piwowarska towards meeting those expectations.

    But that is not the end of Lech’s pro-environmental activities. In order to reduce the amount of plastic used, the brand has been providing rPET cups to events and music festivals for a few years now. They are made entirely from recycled materials and fully recyclable. Besides that, Lech organized collection of recyclables at the events it was a partner of. It also launched a bottle redemption point nearby its Poznan-based brewery, where everyone can bring and exchange any returnable bottles (from any brand) without the necessity of presenting a receipt.

    More information about Lech’s use of wind energy can be found on the bran’s social media channels. The posts presenting the two sides of wind (the annoying and the useful one) feature popular brand ambassadors - Ola Kot and Krzysztof JANKES Jankowski. Moreover, the brand started cooperation with the Planeta Faktów and Masny Kanał YouTube channels. The campaign encompasses a special display format presenting how much wind energy has been generated from the beginning of the cooperation between RES and Lech. Another unique element of the campaign is the limited-edition Lech can designed by PRISM Studio. It has been available in stores since December and will be distributed until mid-February.

    In 2022, the brand is planning to take further steps towards a cleaner environment, also in terms of returnable packaging and recycling. More information about that will be published soon in separate communication.

    Published: 18.01.2022

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    Borys Gryniewicz
    Communications Manager

    e. biuro.prasowe@asahibeer.pl

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